About us

The Centre of Robotics (CR) is a place of education, support, and leisure activities in the field of digital technologies. It offers after-school clubs and activities for children, courses for seniors, educational workshops for teachers, and programmes for primary and kindergarten classes. And it is at the very beginning of the Pilsen INnovation Ecosystem PINE, which starts with the smallest ones. You can find out what PINE is at plzeninovativni.eu.
We are a part of SITMP, the IT company, which is established directly by the City of Pilsen. The city's intention to use modern technologies to improve the quality of life is one of the reasons for the creation of the Centre of Robotics, an educational project of SITMP. Another motive is the need for technically-educated workers and the concept of comprehensive support for polytechnic education at all levels from kindergarten to university.
We support education at several levels. In addition to the aforementioned educational activities for the public and teachers, there is the provision of material resources for primary schools. For example, we equip them with robots or experimental kits for STEM education. Our methodological support goes hand in hand with the equipment for teachers, assisted teaching and further training for teaching professionals.
Pilsen is a city with a strong industrial tradition that is committed to technical education. Its vision of being a city of innovation, science and research, is realised through its Smart City strategy. Learn more about this infrastructure strategy and systemic approach to technological solutions.